
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan
Kementerian Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah

Model Kepemimpinan Transformasinal Kepala Sekolah SMK Negeri

Sitti Hartinah
Oct 28, 2013
Jan 1, 2011
Hartinah, S. (2011). Model Kepemimpinan Transformasinal Kepala Sekolah SMK Negeri. Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan, 17(1), 12–28. https://doi.org/10.24832/jpnk.v17i1.4

The ground reasons of this study is in what way transformational leadership is suitable to increase education quality in vocational high school. Meanwhile, the specific problems are as follows: (1) do principals’ competency variables consisting of personality, management, entrepreneurship, supervision, and social competency dimensions directly contribute and significantly influence to the principals transformational leadership?; (2) do school organizational conditions to directly contribute and significantly influence to the principals transformational leadership?; (3) do work ethics contribute and significantly influence to the principals transformasional leadership?; and (4) in what way is principals transformational leadership model suitable to increase education quality of vocational high schools’ principals. This research design was confirmatory factor analysis approach was Structural Equation Model (SEM). The result of this study shows that school principal competence contributes (24,5%) and significantly influences to school principal leadership, school organizational conditions (29,4%) and significantly influences to principal transformational leadership, meanwhile the determinant factors including school principal competence, school organizational conditions and work ethics contribute (0,856%) and significantly influence. A suitable principal transformational leadership model to develop vocational high school quality is through school organizational conditions; work ethics; principal competence rights. Based on these findings, a school principal should be guided by the main principle when he performs his work, in order to have abilities and skills in managing his school effevtively; a principal should have work-culture to achieve an effective school organizational conditions; a principal should be able to increase a culture of work ethics for school members by enhancing their presence to always come at school; has commitment to develop his school, educational institutions should arrange the planning of principals training about soft skill entrepreneurship in order they have maximal work ethics in increasing the education quality at vocational high school.


Model kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah terbentuk dari berbagai asfek yaitu kompetensi, iklim organisasi sekolah dan etos kerja.Permasalahannya adalah apakah model kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah dikonstruk dari dimensi kompetensi, iklim organisasi sekolah dan etos kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini mencari model kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah di SMKN Tegal. Desain penelitian ini adalah berpendekatan confirmatory factor analysis. Jumlah sampel 200 dipilih secara proportional random sampling. Instrumen menggunakan “questionareâ€Âdengan reliability. Desain penelitian dengan paradigma kuantitatif, menjelaskan hubungan kausal variabel melalui uji hipotesis, dengan pemodelan persamaan structural (SEM). Hasil analisis menemukan kesesuaian model konseptual dengan model teruji bahwa kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh; kompetensi kepala sekolah (24,5%); iklim organisasi sekolah (29,4%); etos kerja (28,1%); Model faktor kompetensi kepala sekolah, iklim organisasi sekolah, dan etos kerja secara simultan berkontribusi terhadap kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah sebesar (85,6%). Implikasinya jika ingin meningkatkan kompetensi kepala sekolah, iklim organisasi sekolah dan etos kerja maka perlu dikembangkan model kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah dalam model yang teruji ini. Berdasarkan temuan, disarankan agar kepala sekolah, memiliki keterampilan manajerial, memperbaiki iklim organisasi sekolah dan peningkatan etos kerja kepala secara maksimal



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