The aim of this study is to identify and implementation of the model policy regarding the head-masters’ understanding of the government’s policy on the implementations of character, creative economic, and enterpreneurship educations as well as active learning at Vocational High Schools. The study was conducted in 20 provinces using multistage sampling. The result of the study shows that the head-masters had already understood the government policy on the implementations of character, creative economic and entrepreneurship education, as well as active learning at Vocational High Schools with a great differences of their understanding by its average is 89,27%. However, in terms of the succes of its implementation, which cover character education, enterpreneurship education and creative economic education, its average is 90,2 ,
76%, and 81,7% respectively.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pemahaman kepala sekolah terhadap kebijakan pendidikan karakter, kewirausahaan, dan bentuk-bentuk implementasi kebijakannya dalam belajar aktif di sekolah. Penelitian diselenggarakan di 20 provinsi yang ditetapkan secara sampel multistage sampling.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa  kepala sekolah  telah memahami  kebijakan  pemerintah tentang  pelaksanaan pendidikan  karakter, pendidikan kewirausahaan, dan ekonomi kreatif dalam pembelajaran aktif di sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) dengan tingkat pemahaman yang bervariasi, yaitu rata-rata 89,27%. Hal ini didukung oleh keberhasilan dalam implementasnya, yaitu pendidikan karakter rata-rata 90,2%, pendidikan kewirausahaan rata-rata 76%; dan pendidikan ekonomi kreatif rata-rata 81,7%.